Thursday, November 03, 2005


All too often, when we think of Ethics, we think in terms of a list of rules, and then we try to determine what goes on the list and what does not. Then, when we go to differentiate between Christian and non-Christian ethical systems, we think that the Christian has a lot of rules, while the rank heathen only has a couple. This lump of coal is only fit for Aristotle’s stocking. Like everything for the Christian, the gospel defines our ethical system and for us, the gospel is not an abstract formula, but the person of Jesus the Messiah and King of the world. We follow Jesus, which makes us dangerous the way that Jesus was dangerous. It is easy to keep the ‘holier than thou’ in line, because they are satisfied with certain concessions. People attempting to live a Christ-life are dangerous because they will not compromise. They insist on loving effectually, which entails a savage hatred of idolatry, the enemy of all mankind and all his institutions.

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