5-29-05 - call to repentance
Your body is going to be resurrected. These bodies that you sit here in this morning will last forever. In the twinkling of an eye that body that you sit there in this morning will be raised incorruptible. Those eyes with which you coveted this week are the same eyes that will some day look upon the Lord forever. Those ears with which you listened to gossip and lies willingly and quietly will be the ears with which you hear the Lord say well done my good and faithful servant. That mouth with which you tore down your neighbor, that tongue with which you lied, those lips with which you shot flaming arrows of destruction with your harsh and unkind words are the mouth tongue and lips that you will use to praise the Lord eternally, everlastingly, forever. You are going to live in your body forever, live in it now. Do not act as though your body is not going to last. Live to the glory of god with your body now. Make a covenant with your eyes to not desire what is not yours. Men, do not desire after the body of a young woman that the Lord did not give you. Women, do not desire after the body of a young woman that the Lord did not give you. Be satisfied with the body God did give you. Use your eyes like they are going to be seeing for eternity. Make a covenant with your lips to not speak harshly to those you are to build up. Clean water and dirty water can not both spill out of the same cup. Speak like you believe that your tongue will live forever. Set your hands to work as everlasting hands. Build up and do not tear down. Look at your hands. Look at them; they are going to be raised eternally to praise the Lord. You are washed in the blood of the lamb; heart, mind, body, and soul. Why would you set your hands to a computer search for pornography? Why would you set your hands to work on the tearing down of your own family? Why would you set your hands to the manufacturing of idols and the construction of the tower of Babel? What kind of god do you serve? What kind of god do you serve? He is a God that gave you a body that He will raise again. The kind of God that sent His Son to die in a body to cleanse our bodies of sin, Let His son be crucified in His body, be buried in His body, and be raised in His body, and now you can know that you will be raised and what you do in you proto-resurrected body is established as meaningful. Jesus is risen in His body, and has sent you His Spirit, what more do you need as a guarantee, that your body will be raised to bodily life. This reminds us to use our bodies to repent of our sins. Let us kneel with our pre-resurrection knees before the Lord our God our maker and confess our sins of the body before the Lord. Selah.